
Newest Water Well Drilling Begun

Fairhope, Alabama    Treatment plant #1 WELL NUMBER FOURTEEN Contractors have begun drilling the city's newest water well at treatment plant number one on Fairhope Avenue behind the Baptist Church, adjacent the elementary school. New support and water treatment equipment has already been installed ... and continues there as well. Water superintendent Morefield says they still hope it will be completed by May, before the summer heavy water use period. ANOTHER ONE COMING TOO Plans are still to complete the installation of well number 13 on CR 33 southeast of town by about that time as well.

'Earth Day' Moving Due To Waterfront Park Construction

White Avenue Park Makeover Authorized

New Mexican Restaurant Planned For Greeno Road

New Barnwell-area Golf Resort Proposed

Storm Drain Art To Be Replaced?

Changes Coming To Pt. Clear Planning District?

Traffic Signal Coming To Volanta Intersection Too

Beach Erosion Plan Could Be Implemented By Year's End

New Traffic Signals Coming To Busy Hwy 181